Annual Fundraising Events
Annual Walk-a-Thon

In September we meet at The Dwayne Webster Memorial Park to participate in a quick walk-a-thon with a potluck lunch afterwards. This isn’t a traditional walk-a-thon, it is very relaxed and families donate what they feel comfortable with donating. There is plenty of time for the children to play too!
Spaghetti DInner

Each November, Marco Scalise, leads a committed and generous group to cook his secret Italian family recipe for a delicious spaghetti dinner fundraiser. This is a great time to sit with current, alumni and new families and enjoy a meal together. Our families are very kind with their donations and we are grateful.
Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction

Spring time is time for our Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction. Our Fundraising/Development Coordinator works hard to contact companies in our community and state to donate items to our auction.
The wonderful Bernie Lucero, donates his time to cook our pancakes for the breakfast. Once again, our families and the community support us by donating items, buying auction items and donate to each a delicious breakfast.
Everyday Ways to Help
Grocery Cards

Now you (and your friends and relatives!) can link your King Soopers account to our charity online (via the King Soopers website) and every time you scan the card for your purchase, King Soopers will donate 5% of your purchase! That includes groceries and gas. Click here for step-by-step instructions. It’s really quick and easy!
You can also buy a grocery card for Safeway for $5 (with $5 preloaded). Every time you load the card and purchase groceries, gas, etc., 5% comes back to our preschool.
Corporate Sponsorship Program
Community Preschool is offers a corporate sponsorship program, allowing participants three new ways to help us raise funds:
1) Host an event,
2) Co-host an event (offer matching donations),
3) Donate money to a school-sponsored fundraiser.
We will continue to have a yearly sponsorship option, too. All participants receive event promotion and advertising for your business.
Contact the Fundraising/Development Coordinator for more information.
Morning Fresh Dairy Caps

Save your Morning Fresh Dairy milk caps and drop them in the collection box at school. We earn $50 for every 1,000 caps collected.
Make a Donation

If you’d like to make a donation in support of our program, please click the Donate buttom for PayPal below. Or you can mail a check to Community Preschool, PO Box 1652, Loveland, CO 80539-1652. Thank you so much!
Contact the Fundraising/Development Coordinator
If you have any questions about fundraisers, or you have ideas for fundraising, please contact our Fundraising/Development Coordinator.
Community Preschool does not require any fundraising from families. However, we think it’s important to keep tuition affordable, and that requires us to raise funds in other ways. We offer options for you to make everyday, necessary purchases and have Community Preschool receive a benefit from them. A little effort on your part goes a long way for our preschool!